Zeilenanzahl:16 Ole's Doomtrooper Outpost
Ole's Doomtrooper Outpost

"So You want to be a Freelancer, huh?"
1Bauhaus - Festungspolizisten OOJ-Ba3-PoOle2003-08-0570
106Bauhaus - Panzer OOJ-Ba4-PaOle2008-12-1860
6Bruderschaft II OOJ-Br2Ole2002-01-0181
2Capitol - Infanterie OOJ-Ca2-InOle2002-01-0161
10Crescentia OOJ-CrOle2002-01-0161
3Cybertronic - Chasseure OOJ-Cy2-ChOle2002-01-0161
8Dunkle Legion - Algeroths Kleinlinge OOJ-DL-A4Ole2002-01-0171
7Dunkle Legion - Algeroths Pretorianer OOJ-DL-A3Ole2002-01-0181
9Dunkle Legion - Ketzer KeUwe2002-01-0171
15Freelancer OOJ-FLOle2002-01-0160
4Imperial - Clankrieger OOJ-Im2-ClOle2002-01-0160
104Leveldeck OOJ-LDOle2010-04-2759
11Lutheranische Triade OOJ-LTOle2002-01-0166
5Mishima - Shogun OOJ-Mi2-ShOle2002-01-0181
12Söhne Rasputins OOJ-SROle2002-01-0167
13Templer OOJ-TeOle2002-01-0163
Karten im Deck

60 Karten0
Card-ID Count Card Name Sideboard
85 5 Dragoon
533 5 Venusian Marshal
768 4 Superior Quality
306 4 T-32 "Wolfclaw" JBT
562 3 Close Air Support
578 3 Ejection Seat
434 3 Grizzly Battle Tank
543 2 Artillery Support
799 2 Bank of Bauhaus
800 2 Barracks
596 2 GT Offroad B52
151 2 Heavy Fog
152 2 Heimburg
611 2 Kommandant
1097 2 Tight Grip
1100 2 Urban Tactics
666 2 Venusian Jungle
372 1 Archetypal Timepiece
548 1 Barrage Ballons
801 1 Bauhaus
83 1 Divine Inspiration
413 1 Duty Roster
439 1 Hidden Cache
603 1 Home Turf Venus
181 1 Joy of Victory
450 1 Loot and Pillage
235 1 Positive Karma
940 1 Protective Wall
756 1 Rising Market
874 1 Tucked Away