
Dune - Play by E-Mail

"Gott schuf Arrakis, um die Gläubigen zu prüfen."
Aus >Die Weisheit des Muad'dib<, von Prinzessin Irulan.


Language: |
History: PBEM BCO10 - Turn 0 - 1 - 2
other recorded PBEM-Games: LK1 - BCO10

Game information
Game: BCO #10 - "Eye of the Storm"
Judge of the Change:

Turn : 1
Interval: House Weotch

CROE 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 Solari/Spice
Guild Hoard 0 1
6 Spice
   C    5|
   R    4|    X X
   O    3|   X X
   E    2|  X
Turn     |01     2    3  4  5  6  7...
House information

House Irhaln
Mentat Suk
Initiate Poolman
The Guild
House Emerald Cross
Paul, Supreme Commander
of the Imperial Space Marines
House Corrino
House Weotch
Lord Edwards

House Harkonnen
Monkey House
High Zookeeper
House Confederacy
Duke Chip

House Atreides
House A'nuran
Reverend Mother
Serenity Frog
The Sisterhood
Rank (Init.)
Imperial Deck
Discard (showing)
3 (10+4)
-3 cards
0 cards ( -- )

Harkonnen Industries
Imperial Card #3
4 (10+3)
-3 cards
0 cards ( -- )
Imperial Suk School Profits
Imperial Card #2
Imperial Card #3
6 (10+0)
-3 cards
0 cards ( -- )
5 (10+2)
-3 cards
0 cards ( -- )
Kulon Husbandry
Imperial Card #3
2 (11+1)
-3 cards
0 cards ( -- )
The Open Bled
Imperial Card #3
1 (11+4)
-3 cards
0 cards ( -- )
CHOAM Directorship
Imperial Card #3
House Deck
Discard (showing)
-9 cards
2 cards ( Casting Nets )
1 cards
5 Solari (-5 +4 -2 -3(4x) -2 -3 +1(5x))
10 Favor
3 Spice (+3)
-8 cards
1 cards ( Spice Harvester )
3 cards
5 Solari (+5 -3 -4 -2 -3 -2 -2)
12 Favor (+1 +1)
3 Spice (+1)
-8 cards
2 cards ( Stranglehold )
4 cards
0 Solari (-3 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -3 -3)
5 Favor (-5)
1 Spice (+1)
-8 cards
1 cards ( CHOAM Delegate )
4 cards
1 Solari (-5 +3 -4 +4 -10 -2)
16 Favor (+1 +5)
1 Spice (-1)
-8 cards
2 cards ( Stranglehold )
2 cards
10 Solari (-1 -2 -2 +5 -4 -2 -1 -1 +3)
11 Favor
4 Spice (+3)
-8 cards
1 cards ( Palace Keep )
7 cards
4 Solari (-2 -1 -1 -1 -4 -2 -3)
16 Favor (+3 +2)
3 Spice (+3)


Event #1

Event #2

Assembly Chairmanship

Guild Navigator

House Physician



Sardaukar Battalion

Guard Commander

House Agent

Giedi Prime


Guard Commander
Harkonnen Sleeper Troop

Imperial Card #1

Harkonnen Industries

The Minor Erg

False Wall South


Imperial Suk School Profits

House Swordmaster

House Physician
Policy of Oppression

House Battalion
Atreides Battalion


House Mentat
Assassin Cohort

Caladanan Exports

Wallach IX



Plasteel Industries


Turn 1

House A'nuran and Confederacy declare 11 Favor.
A'nuran discards Palace Keep (4) and gaining Rank 1.
Confederacy discards Ecological Testing Site (1) and gaining Rank 2.
House Irhaln, Emerald Cross, Weotch and Monkey declare 10 Favor.
Irhaln discards House Mentat (4) and gaining Rank 3.
Emerald Cross discards Spice Harvester (3) and gaining Rank 4.
Monkey discards CHOAM Delegate (2) and gaining Rank 5.
Weotch discards Approximation Analysis (0) and gaining Rank 6.

House interval A'nuran
1) Deploy House card subdued.
2) Engage Wallach IX for 3 Favor (11+3 = 14 Favor).
3) Initiate petition for Plasteel Industries.
    A'nuran bids 2.
    Confederacy passes. Distrans: "Good luck to House A'nuran".
    The other Houses, not wishing to incur the wrath of the Sisterhood, follow Confederacy's lead.
    A'nuran's petition for Plasteel Industries is successful (18-2=16 Solari).
4) Initiate petition for CHOAM Directorship.
    A'nuran bids 3.
    Confederacy, Monkey, Irhaln and Emerald Cross pass.
    Weotch bids 4.
    A'nuran bids 5.
    House Weotch bids 6.
    House A'nuran passes.
    Weotch blocks the petition (20-3=17 Solari).
5) Buy 3 Spice (0+3=3 Spice; 16-1-1-1=13 Solari; Guild Hoard: 16-3=13 Spice; CROE: 1).
6) Buy 2 Favor (14+2=16 Favor, 13-4=9 Solari).

House interval Confederacy
1) Buy 3 Spice (1+3=4 Spice; 15-1-2-2=10 Solari; Guild Hoard: 13-3=10 Spice; CROE: 1+1=2).
2) Engage Caladan (10+5=15 Solari).
3) Deploy House Mentat (15-4=11 Solari).
4) Deploy Assassin Cohort, assigned to House Mentat (11-2=9 Solari).
5) Deploy Stranglehold, assigned to House Mentat (9-1=8 Solari).
6) Engage House Mentat to use Stranglehold (Transfer Holding to Domain, assigning 1 deferment token ). Stranglehold is discarded.
7) Deploy Holding Caladanan Exports subdued (8-1=7 Solari).
7a)Engage Caladanan Exports (7+3=10 Solari).
8) Deploy House Battalion, assigned to Caladan (10-1=9 Solari).
9) Deploy Atreides Battalion, assigned to Caladan (9-2=7 Solari).
10) Initiate petition for The Open Bled.
    Confederacy bids 3. Distrans: "House Confederacy hopes the Houses Minor will extend the courtesy of passing on my first petition as they did with House A'nuran's first petition".
    Monkey passes. Distrans: "The Monkey House passes on your first petition and expects the same consideration when our turn comes up."
    Irhaln passes.
    Emerald Cross passes.
    Weotch bids 4.
    A'nuran bids 5.
    House Confederacy passes. Distrans: "To Monkey House, thank you for the consideration, and yes, we will honor your request when you are on the assembly floor.
    Thanks also to Houses Emerald Cross and Irhaln.
    To the BG and Harkonnen, beware who you push on, for when pushed too hard, we will STRIKE back!"

    Weotch passes.
    A'nuran blocks the petition (9-2=7 Solari).

House interval Irhaln
1) Deploy House card #1 subdued.
2) Deploy House card #2 subdued.
3) Deploy Casting Nets, paying 0 Solari, drawing 1 card from the House Deck.
4) Initiate petition for Assembly Chairmanship.
    Irhaln bids 3.
    Emerald Cross passes.
    Weotch passes.
    A'nuran passes
    Confederacy bids 4. Distrans: "House Irhaln, Upon an intense Mentat analysis, it has been determined too powerful to allow you to have this holding for 3 solaris. With 6 players, 3 still to play after you, my Mentat projects you to make 6 solaris before the end of this turn alone! This is certainly a good play on your part, but with 20 solaris in your treasury and a planet to engage, our House in all good conscience cannot allow this to happen at such basement bargain prices. We bid 4 solaris. We will state up front that we will bid no more on this petition after this. This is not to cause conflict between our Houses, but sound economics based on your potential windfall with such a great charter."
    Monkey passes.
    Irhaln bids 5.
    Confederacy passes.
    Irhaln's petition for Assembly Chairmanship is successful (20-5=15 Solari).
5) Engage Tupile (15+4=19 Solari).
6) Buy 3 Spice (0+3=3 Spice; 19-2-3-3=11 Solari; Guild Hoard: 10-3=7 Spice; CROE: 3).
7) Deploy Guild Navigator (11-3=8 Solari).
8) Deploy Umma, assigned to Guild Navigator (8-3=5 Solari).
9) Initiate battle rite: Irhaln's Guild Navigator vs. Confederacy's House Mentat
    AD&E: Guild Navigator
    DD&E: House Mentat
    Resolution: Guild Navigator (Force 1) does not affect House Mentat (Resistance 2). House Mentat (Force 3) vanquish Guild Navigator (Resistance 2).
10) Initiate petition for Harkonnen Industries.
    House Irhaln bids 4.
    Distrans: "House Irhaln realizes fellow houses may be upset by the deployment of a second charter in a single turn. We understand such objections, and will carry no grudge if another house sees fit to overbid us and pay 3 solaris to halt our efforts... as you can see, we do not have enough resources to counter such a raise."
    Emerald Cross passes.
    Weotch bids 5.
    A'nuran passes.
    Confederacy passes. Distrans from Duke Chip: "We do point out to House Weotch that this is a Harkonnen Imperial card, and we would be surprised if you let the Guild trespass on your turf to gain solaris. But, since they are willing to pay twice it's value, we consider it no concern of ours, especially since their bank account will be very, very, low."
    Monkey passes.
    Irhaln passes.
    Weotch blocks the petition (17-3=14 Solari).
11) Deploy House Physician (5-2=3 Solari).
12) Deploy Baliset, assigned to House Physician (3-3=0 Solari).

House interval Emerald Cross
In a distrans from Kaitain, which all Houses would do well to study, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Marines has this to say: "Friends will not oppose us during our petitions!"
1) Initiate petition for Imperial Suk School Profits. (Irhaln's Assembly Chairmanship takes effect, 0+1=1 Solari).
    House Emerald Cross bids 3.
    House Weotch bids 6.
    All Houses pass.
    Distrans from House Emerald Cross: "Look high in the sky, House Weotch. You have to agree that it is large and vast. We will make sure that it feels even heavier when it fells on your head!"
    House Weotch blocks the petition (14-3=11 Solari).
2) Engage Kaitain (16+5=21 Solari).
3) Deploy Levenbreche (21-3=18 Solari).
4) Deploy Sardaukar Battalion, assigned to Levenbreche (18-4=14 Solari).
5) Deploy Guard Commander (14-2=12 Solari).
6) Initiate battle rite: Emerald Cross' Levenbreche vs. Weotch's Giedi Prime.
    Distrans from House Weotch: "You shall surely pay for this one. Such treachery reeks of treason!" Lord Edwards
    Attacker Declaration: Levenbreche directs Guard Commander.
    Attacker Activation: Levenbreche, Guard Commander, Sardaukar Battalion.
    Defender Declaration & Activation: Giedi Prime
    Resolution: Emerald Cross Attacker (Force 7) vanquish Giedi Prime (Resistance 6). Giedi Prime (Force 1) does not affect Attacker.
    Consequences: Emerald Cross gains 1 Favor (10+1=11 Favor).
    Distrans from Emerald Cross: "We will repeat this exercise if we notice any aggression in the future."
7) Buy 1 Spice (2+1=3 Spice; 12-3=9 Solari; Guild Hoard: 7-1=6 Spice; CROE: 3+1=4).
8) Buy 1 Favor (11+1=12 Favor, 9-2=7 Solari).
9) Deploy House Agent (7-2=5 Solari).

House interval Monkey House
Distrans from the High Zookeeper: "I trust those assembled will show me the same courtesy I have shown them and refrain from bidding against me on my petitions."
1) Initiate petition for Imperial Suk School Profits. (Irhaln's Assembly Chairmanship takes effect, 1+1=2 Solari).
    Monkey House bids 3.
    Irhaln passes.
    Emerald Cross bids 4.
    Weotch, A'nuran and Confederacy pass.
    Monkey bids 5.
    Emerald Cross passes.
    Monkey's petition for Imperial Suk School Profits is successful (15-5=10 Solari).
2) Engage Forbidden Zone for 3 Solari (10+3=13 Solari).
3) Deploy House Swordmaster (13-4=9 Solari).
4) Initiate duel rite: Monkey's House Swordmaster vs. Irhaln's House Physician.
    AD&E: House Swordmaster.
    DD&E: House Physician.
    Resolution: House Swordmaster (Force 3) vanquishs House Physician (Resistance 3). House Physician (Force 0) does not affect House Swordmaster.
    Consequences: Monkey gaining 1 Favor (10+1=11 Favor).
5) Initiate petition for Kulon Husbandry. (Irhaln's Assembly Chairmanship takes effect, 2+1=3 Solari).
Distrans from Monkey: "Surely you see the sense in the Fremen governing our own lowly charter."
    Monkey House bids 2.
    Irhaln, Emerald Cross, Weotch pass.
    A'nuran bids 3.
    Confederacy, Monkey pass.
    House A'nuran blocks the petition (7-3=4 Solari).
6) Sell 1 Spice (2-1=1 Spice; 9+4=13 Solari; Guild Hoard: 6+1=7 Spice; CROE: 4-1=3).
7) Buy 5 Favor (11+5=16 Favor, 13-10=3 Solari).
8) Deploy House Physician (3-2=1 Solari).
8) Deploy Policy of Oppression (3-2=1 Solari).
Distrans: "Lord Edwards - Here in front of this group let us make our position clear. We in the Monkey House will not be opposing any of your petitions during your upcoming time before this most esteemed assemblage. Good luck to you, sir. I believe the floor is yours. Sincerely, High Zookeeper Kent

House interval House Weotch
1) Deploy Guard Commander (11-2=9 Solari).
2) Deploy Harkonnen Sleeper Troop, assigned to Guard Commander (9-2=7 Solari).
3) Deploy Stranglehold, assigned to Guard Commander (7-1=6 Solari).
4) Engage Guard Commander to use Stranglehold (Transfer Holding to Domain, assigning 1 deferment token ). Stranglehold is discarded.
5) Initiate petition for Harkonnen Industries. (Irhaln's Assembly Chairmanship takes effect, 3+1=4 Solari).
    Weotch bids 3.
    A'nuran passes.
    Confederacy bids 4. Distrans: "House Weotch,
We do not appreciate the fact that you play games with us. Your distrusting, treacherous, and devious ways of evilness are known throughout the universe. You first start by blocking other Houses' petitions. You then petition a holding, a move we appreciated using a Stranglehold, but then leave it "Subdued", keeping us in the dark and not revealing your true intentions. Is it a Smuggler's Bribe or a Spacing Industry, or is it because you need the solaris to bid yet another petition, and then maybe have enough left over to revive your Homeworld??? Regardless, your people have been terrorizing my people for centuries, but the buck stops here.
We go on record to all Houses that we consider the Harkonnen leadership as loathsome, low life, blood sucking, and filthy. We believe your House not worthy to be even partaking in this campaign for Arrakis, and that if you cross our path we will bring the full brunt of our energy, resources, and if need be, blood to the table to not only stop you, but DESTROY you!!! Even this Harkonnen Sleeper you play is a devious, deceitful, and dangerous card, it reeks of treachery and intrigue. Can you not change your ways and behavior to walk amongst the normal people of the universe. You might even have Piter De Vries there subdued, and who knows how many thousands of Atreides he has killed, tortured, and discarded as cordwood.
House Confederacy bids 4 on House Weotch petition. We will state up front that we will reconsider bidding any more if House Weotch displays their "Subdued" holding. Once your true intentions are known, we are prepared to back off. You have already incurred the Emperor's wrath, do not make the mistake of incurring ours. You have been warned and I have stated our feelings publicly on the record. You are at a turning point. You are at a point in history where you can do the right thing, apologize for your past sins, and act within the rules of the Landsraad and CHOAM directorship, or be ground into dust. The choice is yours, choose wisely. DISTRANS OUT!!!
Lord Chipper"

    All Houses pass.
    Weotch bids 5. Distrans: "House Confederacy,
Your MINOR house has been around long enough to know the ways of the Harkonnen. You claim my actions are evil. What will you do when Caladan is attacked by the Imperial Sardaukar without provocation? Beware your plans, House Confederacy. Things are not always as they seem. How do you expect me to show what I have gained using a stranglehold. My solaris are few due to a recent unprovoked attack on Geidi Prime. I have attacked no house. My actions during petitions are only to guard against my own holdings and allies, and to make sure a fair price is paid for the rewards that very profitable charters can provide. I have no quarrel with you, House Confederacy. For increasing the bid on Harkonnen Industries, I commend you. You are acting as I would have. It is amazing how quickly House Atreides and House Corrino are provoked. It is unfavorable to say the least.
Lord Edwards"

    Confederacy passes.
    Weotch's petition for Harkonnen Industries is successful (10-5=5 Favor).
6) Initiate petition for The Minor Erg. (Irhaln's Assembly Chairmanship takes effect, 4+1=5 Solari).
    Weotch bids 3.
    All Houses pass.
    Weotch's petition for The Minor Erg is successful (6-3=3 Solari).
7) Buy 1 Spice (0+1=1 Spice; 3-3=0 Solari; Guild Hoard: 7-1=6 Spice; CROE: 3+1=4).

Closing interval
House Confederacy discards The Open Bled from his assembly, drawing 2 new Imperials. No House cards are discarded, and with his House Mentat deployed 6 cards are drawn.
House Irhaln discards the rest of his assembly (Harkonnen Industries and Ionesco Valdeshar), drawing 3. No House cards discarded, 6 new cards materialize in his hand.
Having emptied his entire Assembly in his interval, House Weotch draws 3 new Imperials. Following Confederacy and Irhaln, no discards from his hand, drawing 3 new House cards.
Monkey House has no discards. One Imperial is added to his Assembly, and 3 cards to his hand.
Since Monkey deployed Imperial Suk School Profits, House Emerald Cross scraps his own plans to build a school, and draws 1 new Imperial. Arclight Assault is discarded from his hand and 5 new cards are drawn.
Reverend Mother Serenity, not wanting any competition, kicks Reverend Mother Ramallo off her team bench, and draws 2 new cards for her Assembly. She also discards some hand cards: 2 x Witching Power and Maneuver Pawn, leaving space for 4 new cards.


Imperiale Karte
unterdrückte Karte
Anzahl Verzögerungsmarker
Anzahl Programmmarker
wird gerade in Petition ersteigert
imperial card
house card
subdued card
# of deferment tokens
# of program tokens
currently being petitioned
RiteTargetRite typeReward
Knife - DuelPersonaLandsraad+/- 1 Favor / vanquished card
Gun - BattleFiefLandsraad+/- 1 Favor / vanquished card
Scroll - ArbitrationCharterCHOAM+/- 2 Solari / vanquished card
Mask - IntriguePersonaCHOAM+/- 2 Solari / vanquished card

1. Wohlstand und Einfluß beweisen: 10 Ehre + 10 Spice ansammeln + Heimatwelt bzw. Ally aktivieren.
2. Arrakis beherrschen: Dune, Arrakeen, Carthag, Minor Erg, Imperial Basin und Open Bled regieren und alle 6 aktivieren.
3. Als einziger Spieler übrig sein. Spieler werden eliminiert wenn sie Housekarten auf die Hand ziehen müssen, aber nicht können, weil sie A) 0 oder weniger Ehre besitzen oder B) ihr House Deck leer ist.

Regeln (englisch)
- Spielrunde ausführlich (englisch)
- Spielrunde kurz (englisch) / (deutsch)
- Beispiel-HausIntervall (deutsch)

letzte Änderung:
von Ole Jaekel