THE CURIA "Proxie" Expansion #2 This file was last updated on 06/23/00 (June 23rd 2000) * denotes a recent change Removed cards: Eva Valmonte- Movie actress NATHANIEL DURAND-FALSE IDENTITY ILIAN-PHYSICAL MANAFESTATION AC-19 "VOLCANO" ASSAULT CARBINE SMG MK.IV P "Plasma Intruder" LAUNCH TUBE FLAK PORTAL FOR THE DARK ENERGIST THE CAPITOL EXPRESSWAY WARRIORS:---------------------------------------------------------------- BAUHAUS: BAUHAUS INDUSTRIAL TEAM 9/3/6/7 Considered a VEHICLE. FEARLESS. LOYAL. May not have Weapons. The INDUSTRIAL TEAM may declare FIGHT combats against any opposing WARZONE card. If the WARZONE's controler does not declare a defender of that WARZONE (must defend from that WARZONE, ignore affiliation restrictments), Then the WARZONE is discarded and you may add up to two Fortification cards from your hand or Draw pile, to your Squad, for free. BAUHUAS INTERROGATOR -/-/-/5 CONTACT. May never have attachments. As one action this warrior may "interrogate" any one warrior that you have IMPRISONED, look at any one card from the hand of that warrior's controller. If it is a special or mission card you may discard it for 2D. * "BIRTHA" MP2 BOMBER -/8/12/16 Considered a VEHICLE and AIRSHIP. FEARLESS. LOYAL. May never have equipment. You must discard three of your BAUHAUS BLITZERs in play to muster this warrior (no D cost). It costs three actions to attack with this warrior. When attacking this warrior's S is +8 and even though one defender is declared, all warriors in the same area of play are struck at when this warrior resolves her strike. BLITZER DROP SHIP -/3/8/7 Considered a VEHICLE and AIRSHIP. FEARLESS. LOYAL. May not have equipment. You must discard one of your BAUHAUS BLITZERS in play to muster this warrior (no D cost). During combat you may muster Bauhaus warriors of V:3 or less into play for no action cost (pay D) as reinforcements for any Doomtrooper involved in combat. Points are earned by origional attacker or defender. BRANDY STOKES- NOTED COLLECTOR -/-/9/6 PERSONALITY. HERETIC. BRANDY is not effected by the LIBER HERETICUS, unless attacked by a warrior that has it directly attached. If a MUSEUM card is in play then you may, as one action, pay any amount of D towards any one non-dark legion RELIC in play, if the controler of that RELIC does not pay a greater amount of D then that RELIC becomes attached to a MUSEUM card. DUCAL MILITIA 3/3/2/2 When added to play you must immediatly choose if this warrior is considered either a DRAGOON or a BAUHAUS BLITZER, until removed from play. DRAGOON KAPITAN 3/8/7/8 COMMANDER. Considered a DRAGOON. Immune to Basic Dark Symmetry. While in play all your DRAGOONs (except this warrior itself) and all your warriors that are considered TANKS that require DRAGOONs to muster are +3 to F, S, A, and V. "FALCON" HEAVY SUPPORT CRAFT -/12/9/11 Considered a VEHICLE and AIRSHIP. FEARLESS. LOYAL. May not have equipment. You must discard two of your BAUHAUS BLITZERs in play to muster this warrior (no D cost). During combat, not involving this warrior, you may spend 4D to give any Doomtrooper +3 to S for that combat. This ability may not be used to aid a warrior who's opponent is in, or considered, a VEHICLE. HG BLITZ TANK 7/11/8/10 Considered a VEHICLE and TANK. FEARLESS. LOYAL. QUICK. Immune to all Dark Symmetry. May not have equipment. You must discard one of your DRAGOONs in play to muster this warrior (no D cost). HMG-85 TURRET GUNNER 2/7/3/5 Considered a VEHICLE. May never attack in FIGHT or have SHOOT weapons. You must discard on of your HUSSARs in play to muster this warrior (no D cost). When any FIGHT combat is declared against any of the GUNNER's other squad members, each of your GUNNERs may make a free and immediate SHOOT strike against the attacker (opponent may not retaliate). MARSHAL STOKES 9/6/8/8 PERSONALITY. GRAND TACTICIAN. Considered a VENUSIAN RANGER. As two actions the MARSHAL may discard any warrior you have imprisioned (no points are earned.) "SCREAMER" LIGHT SUPPORT CRAFT -/8/6/8 Considered a VEHICLE and AIRSHIP. FEARLESS. LOYAL. May not have equipment. You must discard one of your BAUHAUS BLITZERs in play to muster this warrior (no D cost). For 6D this warrior may reinforce any Doomtrooper during SHOOT combat, origional attacker or defender earns points. THE "DUKE" SEIGE TANK 12/9/10/13 Considered a VEHICLE and TANK. FEARLESS. LOYAL. Immune to all Dark Symmetry. May not have equipment. You must discard two of your DRAGOONS from play to muster this warrior (no D cost). The "DUKE" may declare SHOOT combats against an opposing FORTIFICATION card. If the opponent does not declare a defender of the fortification (ignore affiliation restrictments) then it is discarded. VENUSIAN CAVALRY RIDER 6/11/10/10 Considered a VENUSIAN MARSHAL and BEAST (may exist in the SQUAD). LOYAL. Immune to basic Dark Symmetry. You must discard one of your VENUSIAN MARSHALs in play to muster this warrior(no D cost). Warriors attacked by the RIDER may never have cards played to cancel or redirect combat (attached cards may still be used). CAPITOL: A.I.P. "APE" 7/7/4/6 FEARLESS. This warrior may reinforce any of your Capitol warriors that are attacked for 3D. If this warrior reinforces one of your warriors in this way then all non-Dark Legion reinforcements of the attacker are forced out of combat and no new non-Dark legion reinforcements may be added for this combat. CAPITOL ENTERTAINMENT TALENT SCOUT -/-/4/3 May never attack, or have equipment. At any time you may assign the TALENT SCOUT to any non-personality Doomtrooper in play. While assigned the non-personality is considered a PERSONALITY (copies of the assigned card may still be added to play). The TALENT SCOUT may be re-assigned to another non-personality Doomtrooper at any time for 4D. CAPITOL SPOKESMAN -/-/7/4 May never attack, or have equipment. While in play your Doomtroopers are not effected by PROPAGANDA AGENTS. If this warrior is not a HERETIC then all your Doomtroopers are +2 to F and S, and +1 to A against Dark Legion warriors during combat. (this effect is non-cumulative with other CAPITOL SPOKESMEN) * CAPITOL SQUADRON LEADER 6/8/7/8 COMMANDER. FEARLESS. Any other capitol warriors in the same area of play as this warrior are +2 to F, S, and A as well as FEARLESS (except COMMANDERS). * C.A.F. SERGEANT -/12/10/10 COMMANDER. FEARLESS. LOYAL. QUICK. Considered an AIRSHIP and VEHICLE. May not use Weapons. While in play your non-COMMANDER Capitol warriors that are considered, or are in, AIRSHIPS gain +4 to S and +6 to A. * C.G.F. SERGEANT 10/6/9/9 COMMANDER. FEARLESS. LOYAL. Considered a TANK and VEHICLE. May not use Weapons. While in play your non-COMMANDER Capitol warriors that are considered, or are in, non-airship VEHICLES gain +2 to F and S, and +4 to A. CORPERATE EMMISARY -/-/-/6 COST:0 . CONTACT. May never attack or have weapons. While in play you may, at any time, sell any player special cards from your hand for Destiny points. You may set any D cost for each card (minimum of 1D). Trades are permenant, until end of game. * ENGINEERING EXPERT 3/4/6/4 This warrior and all warriors in the same area of play are immune to MINEFIELDS. As two actions you may search your draw pile for any non-Dark Legion equipment card and reveal it to all players to add it to your hand. MARKETING SPECIALIST -/-/-/3 COST:0 . CONTACT. May never have equipment. While in play, each player may only give a Doomtrooper one non-Capitol affiliated equipment card between their draw phases. Any play may play Capitol affiliated equipment cards at any time at no action cost. * PROPAGANDA AGENT -/-/3/6 SQUAD SPY. May not have vehicles or weapons, or attack. Any warrior in the same area of play as the AGENT is -2 to F, S and -3 to A. SEARGENT HOFNER 8/6/7/9 PERSONALITY. GRAND TACTICIAN. While in play, all of your capitol warriors of modified V:3 or less gain +4 to F,S, and A. CYBERTRONIC: ARCHIVAL HACKER 2/3/4/5 SQUAD/KOHORT SPY. Immune to basic Dark Symmetry. May never cast art spells. Considered a CHASSEUR. While in play you may look through this opponent's discard pile, as one action. As three actions, you may take any special card from that opponent's discard pile that can be legally played by you, and play it. Annihilate the played card after use. ARMADILLO HOVER TANK 6/7/9/7 Immune to all Dark Symmetry. May never cast art spells. You must discard one of your non-personality CHASSEURS in play to muster this warrior (no D cost). Considered a TANK, VEHICLE, and CHASSEUR. May not have equipment. While in play you may de/attach one of your Cybertronic warrior of V:4 or less to the ARMADILLO as one action (two warriors max). These warriors and the ARMADILLO always attack/defend as a group, the attached warriors are always the reinforcements. CHASSEUR "SLOP JOB" 3/5/4/1 Considered a CHASSEUR. Immune to Basic Dark Symmetry. May never cast art spells, have programs, or be an ELITE TROOPER. It does not cost any actions to MUSTER a "SLOP JOB". Any points earned by this warrior must be converted into D. You must pay 2D for each attachment on this warrior during your Draw Phases, if you cannot pay then discard this warrior. CLASSIFIED ARD VAC -/-/-/5 CONTACT. Considered a CHASSEUR. Immune to Basic Dark Symmetry. May never cast art spells. While in play you may give your Cybertronic warriors any Dark Legion equipment card if you pay 4D when the card is played. If there are ever any Brotherhood warriors in play then all of these Dark Legion equipment cards are discarded (no points are earned if any warriors are killed as a result). * CRI VAC MEDIC 0/0/4/3 FREE. Immune to all Dark Symmetry. May never cast art. This warrior may, as one actions, give any wounded Cybertronic warrior in play a Cybertronic equipment card, the warrior is healed if it is wounded. As one action you may discard an equipment card from your hand to return any Cybertronic warrior from your discard pile to hand (reveal to all players). CYBERCORP PAPARAZZO 0/0/7/5 Immune to basic Dark Symmetry. May never attack, or cast art. While in play Brotherhood warriors may never attack your Cybertronic warriors, except MORTIFICATORS. Doomtroopers that attack your Cybertronic warriors are -2 to F and S. If one of your Cybertonic warriors kills a Dark Legion warrior or HERETIC, then you earn 3 additional points for the kill. These effects are cumulative. CYBERCORP RECRUITMENT TEAM 9/4/7/8 Immune to basic Dark Symmetry. May never cast art. Considered a CHASSEUR and a LOCAL THUG. As two actions the RECRUITMENT TEAM may convert any opposing non-brotherhood Doomtrooper into a Cybertronic warrior only, if the warrior's controler refuses to convert the warrior, then this action becomes an attack action against the warrior. If the RECRUITMENT TEAM wounds the Doomtrooper via this combat then the warrior is converted, and moved to your squad (discard all attachments) You now control the warrior, until removed from play. "EMERGENCY AID" SERVICE TEAM 7/3/2/5 Immune to Basic Dark Symmetry. May never cast art or use Weapons when attacking. As two actions the SERVICE TEAM may attack any wounded non-brotherhood Doomtrooper in play. If the SERVICE TEAM's attack rating exceeds the Doomtrooper's attack rating then he may not retaliate. If the SERVICE TEAM wounds the Doomtrooper then you may choose not to kill the warrior and convert it to a Cybertronic warrior only (discard attachments) the warrior is moved to your squad (still wounded), you control it until it is removed from play. * IES ENFORCER 11/10/8/10 COST:7 . LOYAL. Considered a CHASSEUR. Immune to all Dark Symmetry. May never cast art spells. While in play, if any of your Cybertronic warriors is converted into a HERETIC, the IES ENFORCER may make a free and immediate attack on that warrior (you may earn PROMO from this combat), your other IES ENFORCERS may reinforce this warrior during this combat for 2D each. MIRROR MAN 12/8/10/12 COST:10 .Considered a CHASSEUR. FEARLESS. QUICK. AUTOKILLER. Immune to all Dark Symmetry. May never cast art spells. For 6D you may add the MIRROR MAN to your squad for free as a reinforcement for any non-brotherhood Doomtrooper involved in combat (Cybertronic Doomtroopers cost 4D to reinforce instead). The MIRROR MAN returns to your hand after the reinforced warrior's strike during combat resolution. (origional perticipant in combat earns points.) THE ASSIMILATION PROJECT 17/12/15/25 RELIC. QUICK. LOYAL. AUTOKILLER. ANNIHILATOR. Considered a MORTIFICATOR and a CHASSEUR. Immune to all Dark Symmetry. May conjur all art spells. THE PROJECT may never attack Brotherhood warriors, and must attack Dark Legion warriors if any are in play. During combat THE PROJECT may cast spells that are still in your draw pile, search for the spell and cast it as if it were in hand. If THE PROJECT casts more than two spells between each of your draw phases then it is discarded after the third spells effect ends (no points earned). IMPERIAL: GRAY GHOST 8/4/6/7 SQUAD/KOHORT SPY. MAY NEVER BE ATTACKED BY WARRIORS IN ITS AREA OF PLAY or use VEHICLES. The GHOST may attack any warrior in this area of play. While in cover the GHOST may never be attacked. HIGHLANDER CLAN 7/-/8/6 Considered a CLANSMEN. QUICK in FIGHT combats. Immune to all Dark Symmetry. If using a FIGHT Weapon the HIGHLANDER's F rating cannot be effected by negitive modifiers. The HIGHLANDER gains double the ratings bonus provided by any attached FIGHT weapon. If equiped with a FIGHT Weapon the HIGHLANDER AUTOKILLS. IMPERIAL HURRICANE WALKER 7/14/10/13 Considered a VEHICLE and TANK. LOYAL. QUICK. Immune to all Dark Symmetry. May never have equipment. Any warrior wounded by the WALKER recieves two additional successive wounds (a total of three wounds), each wound must be prevented seperately. IMPERIAL ORDENANCE OFFICER 8/6/5/7 Considered a COMMANDER. Immune to Basic Dark Symmetry. Whenever you perform an EQUIP WARRIOR action for one of your non-cybertronic Doomtroopers you may give that Doomtrooper one additional non-Cybertronic equipment card, at no action cost (this is not considered performing an EQUIP WARRIOR action). IRON MASTIFF 6/-/5/5 This warrior is effected by cards that effect equipment card. Attach to any Imperial warrior in play. If any of your non-cybertronic Doomtroopers are attacked the attached warrior may perform an immediate attack against the origional attacker for 5D. This warrior is considered an automatic reinforcement for the attached warrior in all combats. The IRON MASTIFF may be attached to another Imperial warrior as one action. ISC AGENT 8/6/6/7 SUBVERSIVE. While in your squad, SPIES may no longer be added to it. All SPIES already in your Squad are -4 to F, S, and A while the AGENT is in play, this penalty is not cumulative with other AGENTs, all your warriors may attack SPIES in your Squad. * ISC GENDARME 9/4/7/7 While in play your Imperial warriors are not effected by PROPAGANDA AGENTS. The ISC GENDARME may legally attack any SPY in you SQUAD. * NIGHTHAWK -/8/7/7 Considered an AIRSHIP and VEHICLE. FEARLESS. LOYAL. May never have equipment. Immune to Basic Dark Symmetry. When in combat against a warrior that is in, or considered, an AIRSHIP the NIGHTHAWK gains +5 to S and A. As two actions this warrior may make an attack that strikes two defenders for combat, both defenders make seperate strikes. * TRENCHER GRANADE LAUNCHER 3/4/2/5 Considered a TRENCHER. May never have SHOOT Weapons. When this warrior attacks in a SHOOT combat all other warriors in the same area of play as the defender that are of current V:5 or less, or not protected by a fortification, are subject to this warriors strike (they do not retaliate). * TRENCHER SNIPER 3/6/2/4 Considered a TRENCHER. While in play, if any of your non-Cybertronic Doomtroopers in the same area of play as this warrior are attacked then this warrior may make a free and immediate SHOOT strike against the attacker. MISHIMA: ARCH-HATAMOTO TAKI-YANA 12/4/7/9 PERSONALITY. GRAND TACTICIAN. QUICK. Considered a HATAMOTO. Warriors wounded by TAKI-YANA may not have cards used to prevent them from being wounded or killed (this includes written abilities). CRIMSON DEVIL 8/5/6/7 Considered a SAMAURI. QUICK. LOYAL. During your turn you may give the DEVIL legal FIGHT Weapons and ARMOR at no action cost. * DEATHBRINGER 8/8/7/8 Considered a SHADOW WALKER. QUICK. SUBVERSIVE. LOYAL. AUTOKILLER. If killed by a Brotherhood warrior the DEATHBRINGER is worth 4 additional points. * HUNTING TIGER 4/2/5/5 Considered a SAMAURI. QUICK. LOYAL. SUBVERSIVE. During combat you may always choose not to have the TIGER strike during combat resolution. May be given legal FIGHT Weapons during your turn at no action cost. No players may play special cards during combat involving the TIGER as the attacker. MECURIAN MINER 3/-/3/4 If the MINER performs a SEEK COVER action (must spend action, not when forced into COVER) you gain 4D if you have any MERCURIAN WARZONES in your Squad (mining action). OVERLORD NAGOYA -/-/20/12 COST: 6. PERSONALITY. FEARLESS. LOYAL. CORPORATE LEADER. May never strike during combat resolution, or have Weapons or Vehicles. While in play you may not draw more than two cards between each of your draw phases. Every time you gain D it is reduced by half (round up the gain). If killed NAGOYA is only worth D, and the player who controls him loses 8P, if the player controls any other Mishima warriors he loses 12P instead. You may give NAGOYA to any opponent's Squad as two actions. RONIN SAMAURI 6/4/5/6 Considered a SAMAURI. QUICK. LOYAL. May never use SHOOT Weapons. RONIN SAMAURI earn two addition points when using a FIGHT Weapon to kill another warrior during FIGHT combats. STORM WARRIOR 8/6/7/7 Considered a SAMAURI. QUICK. LOYAL. The STORM WARRIOR is always considered the attacker when involved in combat. If the STORM WARRIOR declared as a defender the origional attacker automatically becomes the defender of combat with the STORM WARRIOR attacking, you may change the battle tactic for combat if this happens. Combat may not be canceled or redirected involving the STORM WARRIOR. * TACTICAL FIELD REPORTER 7/3/6/5 SQUAD/KOHORT SPY. When your warriors attack other warriors in this warrior's area of play the defender may not use any minefield cards, or play cards (except spells) from hand to cancel or redirect the combat, and your warrior is +3 to F and S for combat. TOSHI-ROBAKU 12/13/14/16 PERSONALITY. QUICK. AUTOKILLER. ANNIHILATOR. Considered a SHADOW WALKER and CHASSEUR. May be given Cybertronic equipment cards, and may SHUT DOWN for a PROGRAM card. The TOSHI-ROBAKU may have one Dark Legion equipment card (may never be used against the Brotherhood). If the TOSHI-ROBAKU is killed by a Brotherhood warrior, while it has a Dark Legion equipment card, then you lose 8P. TRAINED ASSASSIN 3/5/4/8 QUICK. LOYAL. Considered a SHADOW WALKER. IT DOES NOT COST ANY D TO MUSTER THIS CARD. When mustered, assign the ASSASSIN to any opposing warrior card in play. The ASSASSIN may only attack the assigned warrior (despite affiliations)and is +5 to F, S, and A when doing so. If the assigned warrior card is removed from play then reshuffle the TRAINED ASSASSIN back into your draw pile and pay D equal to the ASSASSIN's current V. If you cannot afford to pay the D, lose all your D and you gain no points from the assigned warrior card, if the ASSASSIN has killed it. BROTHERHOOD: ALEXANDER DURAND 9/12/10/14 PERSONALITY. CURIA. Considered a CARDINAL. May conjure all aspects of the art. Every 1D spent on a spell effect is worth 3D towards the effect. ABILITY: as one action ALEXANDER may give any Brotherhood warrior in play +2 to F, S, and A for combat against a Dark Legion warrior this turn. ARCH-MAGISTRATE GABRIEL 8/7/16/11 PERSONALITY. Considered a MYSTIC and KEEPER OF THE ART. May conjure all art. While in play you may play "Directorate" cards at no action cost. As two actions, GABRIEL may discard any attachment on any of your Doomtroopers. BOLT TROOPS 8/7/6/9 Considered a FURY ELITE GUARD. May conjur all aspects of the art. When you MUSTER a BOLT TROOP you may search your draw pile for one legal Brotherhood equipment card and attach it to the BOLT TROOP for free. BROTHER KRISPEM - MASTER PROPHET 4/4/6/10 PERSONALITY. CURIA. Considered a MYSTIC and KEEPER OF THE ART. May conjur all art. ABILITY: If an opponent has any Dark Legion warriors in play you may spend 3D to force that player to tell you his attack plans of his next turn (attack, defender, and battle tactic, or no attack), the player must also reveal any cards in hand he wishes to use during the attack. Opponent must follow this plan, and may only use cards he revealed for that combat. This ability is considered an art of premonition spell cast on the opponent. BROTHER VALENTEEN - PURGER OF THE MASSES 3/9/8/12 PERSONALITY. CURIA. Considered a MYSTIC and KEEPER OF THE ART. May conjur all art. ABILITY: VALENTEEN may revert any of your Doomtroopers that have been converted into HERETICS back to their printed affiliations for 4D. This ability is considered an art of Exorcism spell. VALENTEEN may cancel the effect of any HERETIC converting card for 2D. BROTHER VALIMEN - PROTECTORATE 3/6/10/12 PERSONALITY. CURIA. Considered a MYSTIC and KEEPER OF THE ART. May conjur all art. ABILITY: VALIMEN may extend the effect of any combat spell that lasts until the end of combat. This costs 2D after the combat and extends the effect until the end of the next combat involving that warrior. This ability is considered an art of Kinetics spell. This ability may not be used to extend the same spell twice in a row. CARDINAL WOKEN -/8/12/17 PERSONALITY. May conjure all art. During fight combat resolution any opposing Dark Legion warrior or HERETIC is automatically wounded, this ability is considered an art of Exorcism spell. WOKEN is not effected by wounds or effects that autokill, this ability is considered an art of Kinetics spell. CHANG DANG-VU 3/4/9/8 PERSONALITY. CURIA. Considered a MYSTIC and KEEPER OF THE ART. May conjure all aspects of the art. Every 2D spent on art of Kinetics spells is considered 1D toward the effect. Every 1D spent on art of Elements is considered 3D toward the effect. ABILITY: During combat DANG-VU may cast art of Elements combat spells that are in your draw pile, search for the card and cast it as if it were in hand. DANG-VU may cast art of Element combat spells from your discard pile if you pay 2D, annihilate the spell if it is used in this way. DOMINANT INQUISITOR MARKUS 13/8/10/12 PERSONALITY. SUBVERSIVE. May conjure all art. Immune to all Dark Symmetry. During combat against HERETICs or Dark Legion warriors, you may reinforce MARKUS with any number of MORTIFICATORS, or INQUISITORS, for 4D each. FATHER SEER, CORBAL -/-/8/12 PERSONALITY. Considered a MYSTIC and KEEPER OF THE ART. May conjur all art. May not strike during combat resolution. When CORBAL is declared as an attacker he does not participate in combat, instead there is considered to be a warrior of F, S, and A: zero, and V:5 attacking. This warrior is considered an art of Kinetics spell. CORBAL may cast any spell to the benefit of this warrior, including personal combat spells. FURY ELITE GUARDIAN 8/6/6/7 Considered a FURY ELITE GUARD. May conjur the arts of Premonition and Changeling. During combat the GUARDIAN may spend 4D to reinforce any Brotherhood warrior in play that is being attacked (origional participant in combat earns points). This ability is considered an art of Premonition spell. FURIA MILITIA 6/5/4/5 Considered a FURY ELITE GUARD. May conjure the arts of Changeling and Premonition. During any combat you may pay 4D to return the MILTIA to your hand, with all attachments you own. This ability is considered an art of Premonition spell. * GRAND MYSTIC REIGUS 8/6/7/9 PERSONALITY. SQUAD SPY. Considered a MYSTIC, HERETIC, and CORRUPTOR. REIGUS may not be effected by cards that effect HERETICs, unless you say so, on a card by card basis. May conjure all art. Any spell cast by REIGUS may be converted into a Basic Dark Symmetry effect. If the converted spell effects ratings, then all "+"s are considered "-"s and "times" are "divides". Annihilate converted spells after use. MAGNATE MORTIS INDOMINUS 8/15/14/13 PERSONALITY. AUTOKILLER, ANNIHILATOR. Considered a MORTIFICATOR. May conjure all art. While in play any number of MORTIFICATORS may attack as a group, add +3 to the F, S, A, and V of the main attacker for each additional MORTIFICATOR, defender strikes only one warrior (this is not technically reinforcing). MARIA "NIRVANA" GARCIA 9/11/8/9 PERSONALITY. GRAND TACTICIAN. Considered a COMMANDER and a SACRED WARRIOR. May conjure all aspects of the arts. While in play all non-personality SACRED WARRIORS are +2 to F, S, and A. MARIA gains +6 to F, S, A, and V when combating Followers of Muawijhe. PETER DURAND 10/6/13/14 PERSONALITY. CURIA. Considered a CARDINAL. May conjure all aspects of the art. ABILITY: For every 1D you spend you may add 2 markers to any POWER STABILIZER card in play. As two actions you may search your draw pile for any Brotherhood equipment card and give it to any legal Brotherhood warrior for free. RIKER 5/8/7/9 (capitol affiliation also) PERSONALITY. May conjure the arts of Kinetics. RIKER may wound himself at any time (no points if killed) to allow you to search your draw pile for any spell and add it to hand. RIKER may not use this ability while in cover. SEER 2/2/3/2 May conjur the arts of Premonition and Manipulation. Chose one opponent when the SEER enters play. Until the SEER is removed from play that opponent must play with one card from hand face up on the table at all times (this effect is cumulative) This ability is considered an art of Premonition spell cast on the opponent. THE THIRD DIRECTORATE SCRIBE 2/2/4/3 May conjur the arts of Empathy and Premonition. As three actions the SCRIBE may take any spell card in your discard pile and shuffle it back into your draw pile. As three actions and 2P the SCRIBE may take a spell you have annihilated and place it on top of your discard pile. DARK LEGION: APOCALYPTIC CULTIST 6/8/4/7 SQUAD SPY. HERETIC. Follower of Semai. If this opponent declares any attack that is not involving this warrior as the defender then he looses 2 Promo and 4D each time. GUARDIAN OF THE SYMMETRY 6/8/4/6 Follower of Ilian. Considered a TEMPLAR. Immune to all Dark Symmetry, but may still use attached Dark Symmetry. Immune to the Art. Every 1D spent on a Dark Symmetry effect is worth 2D, with this warrior. ILIAN'S CHOSEN 3/4/8/7 Follower of Ilian. Considered a TEMPLAR. Immune to the Art. May be bestowed with any Dark Symmetry card at any time at no action cost. May discard one of its bestowed Dark Symmetry cards to cancel any just-cast art spell, or discard any Dark Symmetry card in play, The use of this ability is considered a Gift of Ilian. INFERNAL CORRODER 8/6/4/6 Follower of ALGEROTH. AUTOKILLER. During combat involving the CORRODER you may spend 6D to discard any non-vehicle equipment card attached on an opposing warrior. This ability may be used on reinforcements. Any number of equipment cards may be discarded in this fassion, per combat. JECKEL 2/3/5/6 PERSONALITY. NEPHARITE OF MUAWIJHE. If JECKEL enters cover you may force an opposing warrior out of cover. If JECKEL exits cover you may force an opposing warrior to enter cover, the use of this ability is considered a GIFT OF MUAWIJHE. NASCA RAZIDE 8/7/9/8 Follower of ALGEROTH. AUTOKILLER. Considered a RAZIDE. Any warrior wounded by the NASCA RAZIDE recieves a successive additional wound (two total wounds), both wounds AUTOKILL, each kill must be serporately prevented. * NECROTEK DEATHDROID 9/16/12/14 (cybertronic affiliation also) Add to Kohort. Considered a Doomtrooper, Dark Legion warrior, and VEHICLE. Immune to the art. May never cast art spells, or be bestowed with Dark Symmetry. May not have EQUIPMENT, except DARK TECHNOLOGY. +5 to F, S, A, and V vs. Cybertronic warriors, except other NECROTEK DEATHDROIDs. PRIMODIAL SHIFTER 6/8/9/8 Follower of Demnogonis. Considered a CAIRATH. During combat you may spend 6D for the SHIFTER to change its origional ratings to the origional ratings of any warrior in any discard pile of equal or lesser V. The use of this ability is considered a GIFT OF DEMNOGONIS. SO'GEOVAN TIME PERVERTER -/-/10/12 RELIC. Follower of Muawijhe. May never be mustered by LAMB FOR THE SLAUGHTER. May never strike during combat resolution. When brought into play annihilate your draw pile. If removed from play annihilate your discard pile. While in play you may never gain D via any means, You now draw cards from the top of your DISCARD PILE. GENERAL AFFILIATION: BALTHIUS 6/8/7/9 PERSONALITY. Considered a RENEGADE APOSTATE. May be bestowed with any Dark Symmetry card at any time, at no action cost (even those meant for HERETICS), May conjure all aspects of the art. May treat personnal combat as combat spells. Every 1D spent on a spell or Dark Symmetry effect is considered 2D toward the effect. DRIFTER 6/4/5/5 Considered a FREELANCER. Any points earned by the DRIFTER must be converted to D. The DRIFTER may be given any corperate equipment for 2D each time. As one action you may inspect the top card of any opponent's draw or discard pile, if that card is a mission you may assign it to the DRIFTER for free, despite affiliation restrictments, the DRIFTER may earn Promo when accomplishing a MISSION. ELITE ASSASSIN 4/7/7/9 SQUAD/KOHORT SPY. The ASSASSIN may discard any non-APOSTLE PERSONALITY, in this opponent's area of play, that may not participate in combat, for one attack action and 3P (no points earned). As three actions and 3P the ASSASSIN may discard any regular PERSONALITY (no points), this is considered an attack action. EQUIPMENT:-------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTABLE M606 (capitol) Give to any Capitol waqrrior. SHOOT Weapon. Light Machine Gun. Provides any bonus to S, ranging from +1 to +6, adjust this bonus any number of times during the modify combat phase of combat. BANNER OF THE COG (bauhaus) Give to any Bauhaus warrior. This warrior may be reinforced by other Bauhaus warriors at half the cost (round down), minimum of 1D per reinforcement. * BIO-CANNON (dark legion) Give to any Follower of Demnogonis. SHOOT Weapon. Provides +5 to S. Any warrior that survives being struck at by the BIO-CANNON is diseased. Place a marker on a diseased warrior, if that warrior does not have one. A player must pay 1D for each disease marker on his warriors. If the player chooses not to pay for any warrior then those warriors are discarded (no points earned). BLADE OF LOST SOULS (Dark Legion) Give to any Dark Legion warrior. FIGHT Weapon. Provides +4 to F and +2 to V. If the equiped warrior wounds any other warrior with the BLADE then the equipped warrior is healed. If the equiped warrior kills another warrior with the BLADE then he may heal any wounded Dark Legion warrior in play. CAW2000 (cybertronic) Give to any non-brotherhood doomtrooper of V:6 or greater. SHOOT Weapon. Heavy Machine Gun. Provides +7 to S. Any warrior wounded by the CAW2000 is forced into cover (if legal) and may not exit cover until the wound is healed. CHEAP MISHIMAN KNOCK-OFF (mishima) Give to any Mishima warrior as two actions. This card acts as a copy of any non-Dark Legion, non-Program equipment card in play. CSA400 STUNBLADE (cybertronic) Give to any Cybertronic warrior. FIGHT Weapon. Provides +4 to F. When using the CSA400, if this warrior's F rating exceeds his opponent's F, but not the opponent's A rating, then during combat resolution, when this warrior strikes, his opponent (and owner's attachments) are put on the bottom of that player's draw pile. DEATHSHRIEKER SCREECHGUN (mishima) Give to any Mishima warrior. SHOOT Weapon. Any warrior wounded by the SCREECHGUN is AUTOKILLED. When using the SCREECHGUN this warrior's opponent gains no bonuses to A that are provided by directly attached cards. If the opponent has any non-VEHICLE cybertronic equipment then it is all discarded immediatly before combat resolution. (if the attached warrior is killed as a result of any discard then you earn points). * DELIVERER SWORD (brotherhood) Give to any FURY ELITE GUARD. FIGHT Weapon. Provides +6 to F. This warrior AUTOKILLS and ANNIHILATES Dark Legion warriors when using this card. While attached this warrior's combat opponent may not use any Dark Symmetry cards. DEMOLITION CHARGE (bauhaus) Give to any Warrior. During FIGHT combats this warrior may attach this card to an opposing VEHICLE as his strike, after combat this card is discarded and the VEHICLE is also discarded (you earn points if the VEHILCE was a warrior, or the warrior inside was killed). Alternatively this warrior may discard this card during fight combats, as his strike, to AUTOKILL himself (opponent earns points) and automatically wound his opponent (points are earned if the opponent is killed). DEMONFANG ROCKETGUN (mishima) Give to any Mishima warrior of V: 6 or greater. SHOOT Weapon. Rocket Launcher. Provides +7 to S. Any warrior wounded by the ROCKETGUN is Autokilled. Any warrior of origional V: 5 or less killed by the ROCKETGUN is ANNIHILATED and worth no points for the kill. DIRIGIBUL (dark legion) Give to any Dark Legion warrior of V:5 or less. AIRSHIP and VEHICLE. For 3D this warrior may reinforce any Dark Legion warrior, but provides no modifiers. Instead this warrior may discard any equipment card from your hand to inflict 3 damage to the opponent's warrior, multiple equipment cards may be combined. Killed warriors are worth points. DRAGONSTORM TURBOCANNON (mishima) Give to any Mishima warrior. SHOOT WEAPON. Heavy machine gun. Provides +10 to S. Warriors in cover gain +7 to A against this weapon. ELECTRO SHACKELS (bauhaus) As one action you may attach this card to any warrior that you have IMPRISONED. If that IMPRISONED warrior is ever returned to his area of play you may Annihilate this card to AUTOKILL that warrior and earn points for the kill. GIANT AZOGAR (dark legion) Give to any Dark Legion warrior. FIGHT Weapon. Provides +6 to F. Any warrior using or considered a non-AIRSHIP VEHICLE that is wounded by the GIANT AZOGAR recieves three additional successive wounds (total of 4 wounds). Each wound must be prevented sererately. HAC-20 "ERUPTOR" HEAVY ASSAULT CARBINE (brotherhood) Give to any Brotherhood warrior. SHOOT Weapon. FLAME THROWER. Provides +7 to S. Any warrior wounded by the "ERUPTOR" is AUTOKILLED and ANNIHILATED. HOT BULLETS (capitol) Attach to any Doomtrooper's SHOOT Weapon. Provides an additional +3 to S. Any warrior that is wounded by the attached Weapon recieves an additional wound during each of his controler's draw phases, until the wounded warrior is healed. If the warrior is killed by any of the additional wounds you earn the points. IMPROVED M89 (capitol) Give to any Capitol warrior of V:5 or greater. SHOOT Weapon. Heavy Machine Gun. Provides +7 to S. During combat resolution this warrior also strikes all opposing reinforcements with his strike. JAHKT (dark legion) Give to any Dark Legion warrior. FIGHT WEAPON. Provides +2 to F. As an attack action this warrior may throw the JAHKT to create a S:2 attack against any defender. The JAHKT is the considered the ATTACKER of this combat and may be affected by cards that affect warriors. The JAHKT may not get struck during this combat, and returns to its warrior after combat. LANCELOT HEAVY FREIGHTER (imperial) Attach to your SQUAD as two actions. While in play, as three actions, you may attach all legal equipment cards in your hand to one of your non-cybertronic SQUAD members for free. MAGMA SCORCHER (cybertronic) Attach to an ERADICATOR DEATHDROID, or a Cybertronic warrior's VEHICLE. FLAME THROWER. Provides +4 to S. Any warrior wounded by the SCORCHER is autokilled and annihilated. MEPHISTO SNIPER RIFLE (brotherhood) Give to any Brotherhood warrior. SHOOT Weapon. Sniper Rifle. Provides +8 to S. If one action is spent aiming the MEPHISTO directly before an attack with it, then any warrior wounded by the MEPHISTO is autokilled. MP210 "NEMESIS" (brotherhood) Give to any Brotherhood warrior. SHOOT Weapon. HANDGUN. A warrior may attack using two HANDGUNS. Provides +3 to S. The "NEMESIS" may be used during any combat, even ones where SHOOT Weapons may not be used, or the opponent is not effect by, or prevents the usage of, SHOOT Weapons. MP2 BOMB (general affiliation) Give only to a SPY. As one action the SPY may attach the BOMB to his area of play. As one attack action you may detonate the BOMB which counts as shoot attack that affects all warriors in the same area of play that are not in cover. This shoot attack is of value: 10. This S rating may not be modified. You earn points for any killed warriors you do not control. MUSHASHI BLADE (mishima) Give to any Mishima warrior. FIGHT Weapon. The attached warrior is now FEARLESS, and LOYAL. Provides +5 to F. If the attached warrior is removed from play you may attach this card to any other Mishima warrior you have in play for free. PIRANAH (general affiliation) Give to any warrior. SHOOT Weapon. HANDGUN. A warrior may attack using two HANDGUNS. Provides +2 to S. Any warrior that does not have ARMOR or is not in, or considered a VEHICLE, is autokilled, if wounded by the warrior using this HANDGUN. PROTECTOR SHIELD (brotherhood) Give to a FURY ELITE GUARD. SHIELD. A warrior may only have one SHIELD. Provides +4 to A. While attached This warrior is immune to all Dark Symmetry that effects him (opponent may still be effected). PSG-99 (bauhaus) Give to any Bauhaus warrior. SHOOT Weapon. Sniper Rifle. Provides +4 to S. This warrior may attack in SHOOT combats with this card, while in cover. R-75 "RETRIBUTER" CARBINE (brotherhood) Give to any Brotherhood warrior. SHOOT Weapon. Provides +5 to S. If equiped by a SACRED WARRIOR then the "RETRUBUTER" provides an additional +4 to S and AUTOKILLS any warrior it wounds. REMOTE DETONATING BUG (general affiliation) ATTACH TO YOURSELF AS ONE ACTION. If you are attacked directly you may attach the BUG to the attacking warrior. At any time you may annihilate the BUG to force the warrior's control to Annihilate the top 3 cards of his draw pile. RETINAL STEM IMPLANT (dark legion) DARK TECHNOLOGY. If HEAVY FOG is played during combat involving this warrior then combat is not canceled; instead this warrior (and any warrior with a STEM IMPLANT) is the only warrior that may strike during combat resolution. SKALAK (dark legion) Give to any dark legion warrior. FIGHT Weapon. Provides +4 to F. Provides an additional +4 to F and autokills any warrior that does not have ARMOR. * SLIME GRENADE (capitol) Give to any Doomtrooper. As two actions, counts as an attack, this warrior may discard the SLIME GRENADE to discard all UNDEAD LEGIONAIRE, LEGIONAIRE OF SEMAI, KADAVER, or BLESSED LEGIONAIRE cards in any one area of play (no points are earned). SOUL SHEARER (dark legion) Give to any Dark Legion warrior. SHOOT Weapon. Heavy Machine Gun. Provides +5 to S. Any warrior wounded by the SOUL SHEARER is autokilled and annihilated. Any PERSONALITY killed by the SOUL SHEARER may never re-enter play by any player for the remainder of game. * STUN GAS BOMB (general affiliation) Give to any SPY. As one action this SPY may attach the BOMB to his area of play. As one attack action you may detonate the BOMB which counts as a Fight attack of value: 8 against all warriors that are not in cover in this area of play. This F rating may not be modified. Any warrior who's F or A was exceeded by the BOMB's is not wounded, instead place those warriors with owner's attachments on the bottom of their owner's draw pile. SURVEILANCE GEAR (general affiliation) Give only to a SPY. As one action you may look at this opponent's hand. SW4100 (cybertronic) Give to any Cybertronic warrior of V:7 or greater, or attach to a Cybertronic warrior's VEHICLE. Provides +7 to S. Any warrior wounded by th SW4100 is autokilled. If this card is discarded then the warrior it is attached to is wounded (no points earned), or the VEHICLE it is attached to is discarded. SWIVEL MOUNTED NIMROD (general affiliation) Give to any warrior. SHOOT Weapon. Heavy Artillery. Provides +4 to S. When attacking, using the NIMROD, during the modify combat phase of SHOOT combats, this warrior may change the defender of combat to any other legal target in the same area of play. This change may only be done once per combat. TAMBU No. 86A5 (mishima) Give to any Mishima warrior of V:5 or greater. SHOOT Weapon. Rocket Launcher. Provides +5 to S. Place 7 markers on this card when it enters play. As an attack action this warrior may remove a marker from this card to discard any Warzone, Fortification, or non-warrior VEHICLE in play. VOID CANNON (dark legion) Give to any Dark Legion warrior. SHOOT Weapon. Provides +X to S, where X equals half this warrior's modified V (round down). If any warrior is wounded by the VOID CANNON then that warrior may never perform actions, use its abilities, or cast the art, until it is healed. FORTIFICATIONS:--------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED PRODUCTION FACILITY (cybertronic) SQUAD. 3 actions. While in play you may add non-personality CUIRESSEURS, CHEMIMEN, and MACHINATORS to your SQUAD at any time during your turn, at no action or D cost. All CHASSEURS may be added to your SQUAD as half D cost (round up). ARMORED ESCORT (general affiliation) Squad. While in play, no player, other than you, can use cards during your draw phase that affect how you draw cards. * CAPITOL ENTERTAINMENT IDUSTRIES (capitol) SQUAD. 2 actions. During your draw phase you gain 4D for every PERSONALITY you control. You do not have to spend actions to muster PERSONALITY Doomtroopers. When removed from play you lose 5P. * CONCEALMENT PIT (imperial) Attach to any warrior as one action. Considered a FOXHOLE. While the attached warrior is in cover he gains the effects of this card: Provides +6 to A and the warrior's modified F is reduced to zero. This warrior may not use its abilities, or attachments on anything in play. If any other warrior in this warrior's area of play is attacked, this warrior may exit cover and attack the attacker (new combat), if the opponent survives the origional combat continues. CYBERCORP "INVESTIGATION" BUREAU (imperial) Squad. While in play, for every Cybertronic warrior you have IMPRISIONED, your Imperial warriors are +2 to F, S, and A versus other Cybertronic warriors. DARK PORTAL TO THE BEYOND (dark legion) KOHORT, 2 ACTIONS. When brought into play, attach up to 10 special cards from your draw pile to the PORTAL, face down. These cards must be playable during combat. This is a secondary draw pile. When any of your Dark Legion warriors are in combat, play the top attached card immediatly to the benefit of your warrior. If removed from play discard attached cards. FARMING COLONY (capitol affiliation) ATTACH TO ANY OF YOUR MARTIAN WARZONES AS ONE ACTION. While in play it costs you 1 less D to muster Capitol warriors (minimum of 1D). Multiples of this fortification may be in play or attached to the same WARZONE. GRAVE PIT CITODEL (dark legion) KOHORT. 1 ACTION. You may pay 2D when any warrior in play is killed to attach it to this card (instead of where it was going to go). When this card has five warriors attached you may annihilate all of them to muster any follower of Demnogonis from your collection for free. INTERROGATION CELL (brotherhood) SQUAD. 2 ACTIONS. If any of your Brotherhood warriors wounds a HERETIC you may imprision that HERETIC in the INTERROGATION CELL. As two actions one of your Brotherhood warriors may INTERROGATE an imprisoned HERETIC, inspect the top X cards from the HERETIC's controler's draw pile, where X equals the INTERROGATING warrior's V minus the INTEROGATED HERETIC's V. You may discard any cards you find with Dark Legion affiliation for 2D each, the HERETIC is discarded after this ability is used (no points are earned). ISOLATED OPERATION FACILITY (general affiliation) SQUAD/KOHORT. 1 action. If you are attacked directly while this card is in play your opponent earns 2 less points. If this card if ever removed from play, Annihilate it, and you lose 3 Promo. You may only have one ISOLATED OPERATION FACILITY in play. MILITARIZED BORDER (general affiliation) ATTACH TO ANY WARZONE IN PLAY AS ONE ACTION. While in play if you, or any warrior you control who defends from this WARZONE, is attacked then the attacker is struck with an S:6 attack. This strike may be modified by cards that affect warriors before it strikes. MINING FACILITY (general affiliation) ATTACH TO ANY OF YOUR MERCURIAN WARZONES AS ONE ACTION. This card is effected by cards that effect INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES. If any of your Mishima warriors performs a Seek Cover action (not forced into cover) then you gain 4D (mining action). MISSION DEBREIFING ROOM (general affiliation) Squad. Any Doomtrooper you use as a reinforcement during combat may be returned to your hand after combat resolution, unless killed, discarded, or annihilated by combat (discard attachments). * PLANTED MINE FIELD (general affiliation) Attach to any area of play. The next warrior to attack any warrior in the attached area of play in a FIGHT combat is wounded, Discard this card. Only one PLANTED MINE FIELD may be attached to any particular area of play. SALVAGE YARD (general affiliation) Attach to any warzone in the OUTPOST as two actions. While in play you gain two extra EQUIP WARRIOR actions during your turn. These actions may NEVER be converted into any other type of action. These actions may only be used to give equipment cards that have GENERAL AFFILIATION. THE DIRECTORATE COURT (brotherhood) SQUAD. 1 action. While in play no non-HERETIC Doomtroopers that are imprisoned may be killed or discarded. As three actions any player may discard any imprisoned HERETIC (no points), or return a non-HERETIC Doomtrooper to his Squad. THE GRAVES OF HEROES LOST (capitol) SQUAD. 1 action. For every copy of this card in your SQUAD you MARTIAN BANSHEES earn 2 additional points for any Mishima warrior they kill. THE MISHIMESE CURTAIN (mishima) SQUAD. 1 action. While in play, all of your SHADOW WALKERS in play are considered CHASSEURS and may be given non-program cybertronic equipment cards. If removed from play discard any now illegal cybertronic cards on your SHADOW WALKERS. TRAINING GROUNDS (general affiliation) SQUAD. 1 action. When you muster a non-vehicle Doomtrooper you may attach it to this card. Warriors that are attached to this card may not have cards used to effect them immediatly upon entering play. Attached warriors cannot use abilities or perform actions other than to detach from this card as one action. TRENCH LINE (imperial) Considered a FOXHOLE. Attach to any warrior as two actions. Provides +3 to A and -4 to F. The attached warrior may not attack in fight. If the attached warrior is attacked in a FIGHT combat then he gets a free and immediate SHOOT strike against the attacker after he is declared as the defender (opponent may not retaliate)if opponent survives, combat continues. WAR COUNCIL (Imperial affiliation) SQUAD, 3 ACTIONS. Attach up to 10 spells and/or special cards from your draw pile to the COUNCIL face down. This is your secondardy draw pile. At the beginning of combat you may draw from this pile until you have a secondary hand of 3 cards. This hand may only be used during combat, to the benefit of Doomtroopers. If removed from play reshuffle the attached cards, and discard the secondary hand. SPELLS:------------------------------------------------------------------- SACRAMENT OF THE FUTURE (brotherhood) Art of Premonition. Cost 4D. Place your hand on the bottom of your draw pile, then draw a number of cards equal to the number of cards you just put on the bottom of your draw pile. VERMILION BARRIER (brotherhood) Art of Kinetics. Cast at any time. Warrior gains +4 to A. This card remains in play and in effect until this warrior casts another spell, then discard this spell. DARK SYMMETRY:------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALS:----------------------------------------------------------------- BARE THE BURDEN (general affiliation) ATTACH TO YOURSELF AS THREE ACTIONS. While in play, if any of your Doomtroopers are killed you may immediatly annihilate X cards from the top of your Draw Pile to prevent the warrior from being killed. Where X equals the number of points the opponent WOULD have earned for the kill. BOOST MORAL (general affiliation) PLAY AT ANY TIME ON YOUR SQUAD. All your squad members immediatly exit cover, they may attack this turn. Until the beginning of your next turn all your Squad members are FEARLESS. "CAPITOL IS BUISNESS. BUISNESS IS CAPITOL" (capitol affiliation) PLAY AS ONE ACTION. You may permenantly trade any of your Capitol warriors in play for another player's Doomtrooper of equal or lesser total V (with player's concent). If no Brotherhood warriors are in play this trade may be for a Dark Legion warrior. If the opponent refused the trade you may force it for 8D. DEFLECTING BLOW (general affiliation) PLAY DURING COMBAT. If your warrior's attack rating exceeds his opponent's then the opponent does not strike during combat resolution. If both ratings are equal then no warrior strikes. EXPOSED FRAUD (general affiliation) PLAY ON AN OPPONENT WHO JUST GAINED P FROM DESTROYING HIS OWN CARD(s). That player does not gain the P. Instead he loses an amount of P equal to twice what he would have gained. This card's effect can never be negated or redirected. Annihilate after use. FOR THE GLORY OF MURDOCH (imperial) ATTACH TO YOURSELF AS ONE ACTION. Every time one of you GOLDEN LIONS wounds or kills any warrior place a marker on this card. As one action you may remove 4 markers from this card to gain 3P and force an opponent to lose 2P. GUNNED DOWN (general affiliation) PLAY DURING A FIGHT COMBAT ON ANY WARRIOR WITH A SHOOT WEAPON. If this warrior has a higher S than his opponent's F, then this warrior gains a free and immediate SHOOT strike against the opponent. If the opponent survives combat continues; If killed points are earned and combat ends. HARD SHOT (general affiliation) PLAY ON ANY WARRIOR WHO IS NOT IN AN AIRSHIP DURING COMBAT. Provides +4 to S for this combat. HEAVY BATTERY FIRE (general affiliation) PLAY DURING COMBAT. Your warrior that is in, or considered a TANK is +5 to F and S for this combat if its opponent is not in cover. The opponent of this combat may enter cover for free to cancel this cards effect (if not FEARLESS). IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD IT, BUILD IT RIGHT (bauhaus) PLAY IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU ADD ANY FORTIFICATION TO YOUR SQUAD. COST 2D. You may immediately search your draw pile for any attachment card that can legally be attached to this fortification. Attach that card to the fortification at no action cost (still pay any D cost). Reshuffle your draw pile afterwords. INTERNAL/EXTERNAL SWEEP (general affiliation) PLAY AS TWO ACTIONS. For every 4D spent you may discard any one SPY in play (No points are earned).Annihilate after use. KINGDOM COME (brotherhood) PLAY AS THREE ACTIONS. All players draw 10 cards from their draw piles (reveal to all players) and discard any non-WARRIORS they find. Until the end of this turn all warriors do not cost actions to MUSTER, and any warrior may attack any other warrior, despite affiliation restrictments. LIMIT ONE PER DECK. Annihilate after use. LAWS OF PHYSICS (general affiliation) Attach to play at any time. May never be discarded from play. While in play only one copy of any PERSONALITY, by name, may be in play. Example: If CRENSHAW THE MORTIFICATOR is in play then CRENSHAW THE REDEEMER may not enter play. * LIVE AND LEARN (general affiliation) PLAY DURING COMBAT WHEN YOUR ATTACKER IS KILLED. Your attacker is not killed, only wounded instead. Your warrior may now perform a free and immediate attack against any other warrior in play. This card's effect cannot be prevented or redirected. LIVING ON BORROWED TIME (general affiliation) Attach to any warrior in your DISCARD PILE as three actions. MUSTER that warrior for free. During each of your draw phases Annihilate the top card of your DRAW PILE. If the warrior, or this card is ever removed from play, then Annihilate both. LOOTER MONKEYS! (bauhaus) PLAY DURING COMBAT INVOLVING ANY VENUSIAN WARZONE. All participants in combat immediately discard all attachments. Attachments may be prevented from being discarded if the warrior's controled pays 1D per attachment to be saved. MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME (general affiliation) PLAY DURING AN OPPONENTS TURN WHO COULD HAVE ATTACKED DURING HIS LAST TURN, BUT DID NOT DO SO. Choose one of that opponent's warriors, who can participate in combat this turn. That warrior MUST attack this turn. MEDIA ATTENTION (capitol affiliation) ATTACH TO ANY WARRIOR AT ANY TIME, THE PLAYER WHO PLAYS THIS CARD IS ITS CONTROLER UNTIL IT IS REMOVED FROM PLAY. You may only have one MEDIA ATTENTION in play at a time. If attached to a Doomtrooper you control the player who kills it earns 3 less P (minimum of zero P). If attached to an opponent's warrior you earn 3 extra P if one of your Doomtroopers kills it. NEW ORDERS (general affiliation) Play at any time. You may move any SPY in play to any new legal position within any player's area of play (not its controler's) * OVERPOWERING SUPPORT (general affiliation) PLAY DURING COMBAT. Any warrior in combat gains +7 to S, if the opponent is not in cover. The opponent may flip into cover to cancel this card as it is played (FEARLESS warriors may not do this). PARTIAL COVER (general affiliation) PLAY ON YOUR WARRIOR DURING COMBAT. You warrior receives -2 to S, his opponent is -6 to S for this combat. PERSONNAL ESCORT (mishima) Attach to any non-SHADOW WALKER Mishima PERSONALITY as two actions you may de/attach one of your SAMAURI on this card (max of 2). Whenever the attached PERSONALITY is attacked the SAMAURI attached to this card automatically reinforce this personality. If this PERSONALITY is killed by a SNIPERS! card you may kill an attached SAMAURI instead (discard SNIPERS!) RANDOM OCCURANCE (general affiliation) PLAY DURING COMBAT. Draw any "play during combat" special card from your draw pile and play it. Flip a coin. Heads= the card must be played to the benefit of the attacker. Tails= the card must be played to benefit of the defender. The card played may effect either warrior, despite what it may say on the card. RESOURCE BOMBING (general affiliation) PLAY AS THREE ACTIONS. All players discard the top five cards of their decks. LIMIT ONE PER DECK. Annihilate after use. RESOURCES DEPLEATED (dark legion) PLAY AT THE BEGINNING OF YOUR DRAW PHASE. No players (including you) may draw cards until the beginning of your next draw phase. Annihilate after use. Limit one per deck. RECLAIM WHAT WAS OURS (dark legion) ATTACH TO YOURSELF AT ANY TIME. If any of your Followers of Algeroth kills a SHADOW WALKER they earn 4 additional points for the kill. SQUANDER (general affiliation) PLAY DURING YOUR DRAW PHASE. Draw cards this draw phase until you have 12 cards in hand, then immediatly discard back down to 7. Annihilate after use. SECRET AGENDA (general affiliation) PLAY AS ONE ACTION. Play any special card from your hand that does not require actions. That special card may not be canceled or redirected in any manner. SHIPMENT HEIST (general affiliation) PLAY DURING AN OPPONENT'S DRAW PHASE BEFORE HE DRAWS CARDS. Look at the cards he would draw this turn. For every 4D spent you may take any one equipment card found and attach it to any warrior or yourself, if legal. Opponent draws only the remaining cards. Return stolen card(s) when they are removed from play. TEMPTING... (dark legion) Attach to any Dark legion warrior at any time. Cost 5D. That Dark legion warrior may not attack you or your cards while this card is attached. The warrior's controler may discard this card if he pays YOU 10D. THE UNSEEN GUIDANCE OF NATHANIEL (brotherhood) ATTACH TO ONE OF YOUR BROTHERHOOD WARRIORS AS TWO ACTIONS. If the attached warrior is attacked, you may opt to remove the warrior (and all attachments) from play (not Annihilated). The warrior and attached cards return to play at the end of your next turn. THERE IS NO HOPE WITHOUT UNITY (dark legion) ATTACH TO ANY PLAYER AS TWO ACTIONS. If all of this player's Doomtroopers are of the same affiliation then they are all -4 to F, S, and A versus any Dark Legion warrior during combat. Discard this card if that player ever has Doomtroopers of different affiliations in play. Multiple copies of this card are not cumulitive. TRENCH WARFARE (imperial) ATTACH TO YOURSELF AS TWO ACTIONS. If you have three or more TRENCHERS in play then TRENCHERS are the only warriors of yours that may be attacked by warriors that are not in, or considered, airships. UNCONTROLLED ABONINATION (dark legion) PLAY ON AN ATTACKING NON-PERSONALITY DARK LEGION WARRIOR. The defender of this combat is changed to any NEPHARITE, controlled by the attacking player, that has lesser total V than the attacker. Only D may be earned for any kill. UNLIKELY ALLIES (general affiliation) ATTACH TO PLAY AT AS ONE ACTION. Select two corporations, while in play warriors of those corporations may never declare attacks against eachother. Any player may discard this card at any time by spending 5D. WELL PLACED SWING (general affiliation) PLAY DURING COMBAT ON ANY WARRIOR USING A FIGHT WEAPON. Warrior receives +6 to F for this combat. WHO SAYS YOU CAN NEVER FIND A COP? (bauhaus) PLAY DURING COMBAT INVOLVING ONE OF YOUR BAUHAUS WARRIORS. Search your draw pile for any BAUHAUS COP and muster it to your Squad at no action or D cost. MISSIONS:------------------------------------------------------------------ COUNTER INTELLEGENCE OPERATION (general affiliation) ASSIGN TO ANY WARRIOR. This warrior must kill a SPY to accomplish this mission and earn 8 additional points for the kill. FINAL BREATHE (general affiliation) ASSIGN TO ANY PLAYER. When the last card of the assigned player's draw pile is drawn, this mission is accomplished and that player earns 3 promo. RELICS:--------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSALOM'S CITODEL (dark legion) Attach to any MARTIAN WARZONE in play. While in play it does not cost any actions for ABSALOM to convert a warrior, and ABSALOMS "X" D to convert warriors is now "10 - the converted warriors modified V". ABSALOM may never be attacked unless he is your only warrior in play that can participate in combat. ALAKHAI'S CITODEL (dark legion) Attach to any VENUSIAN WARZONE in play. While in play your Followers of ALGEROTH gain an additional +4 to F, S, and A when defending from this WARZONE. You may REINFORCE any Dark Legion warrior defending from this WARZONE with another of your Followers of ALGEROTH for 4D each. Any opponent who removes this card from play gains 4 Promo. ARMOR OF MURDOCH (Imperial) Give to any Imperial warrior of V:6 or greater. ARMOR. This warrior is immune to all dark symmetry. Provides +6 to A. When fighting the dark legion the following effects happen: Additional +6 to A. Warrior cannot be autokilled, wounded instead. Fight weapons cannot be used against this warrior. EDICTS FOR THE LORD EIRS (mishima) Give to any Mishima personality. While in play you may only perform a total of three actions during your turn, no more, no less. You gain 1D every time you perform an action during your turn. SALADIN'S CITODEL (dark legion) Attach to any MARTIAN WARZONE in play. While in play you may bring any non-brotherhood Doomtrooper into this battle as a REINFORCEMENT for your Dark Legion warrior who is defending from this WARZONE for 5D, this ability is considered a GIFT OF SEMAI. SALADIN gains +2 to F, S, and A while this card is in play. If removed from play, annihilate this card. SPIRITUAL COG OF BAUHAUS (bauhaus) Give to any Bauhaus warrior as three actions. If the COG is discarded, reduce your P to zero; If annihilated you lose the game. While in play, the only time you may draw cards is during your draw phase. After your action phase you may take any number of warrior actions with your Bauhaus warriors. These additional non-attack actions come immediatly after your action phase and they may NEVER be converted into attack actions. THE CARDINAL'S TOMB (brotherhood) Attach to any CATHEDRAL in play. While in play, all your warriors effected by this CATHEDRAL are immune to BASIC DARK SYMMETRY, are +4 to A versus Dark Legion warriors, and every 1D spent on this CATHEDRAL'S aspect of the art is worth 3D toward the spells effect. THE CELESTIAL SHIELD (Mishima) Attach to LONGSHORE. While in play your Squad members may not be attacked by warriors that are considered, or are in, AIRSHIPS. Your Airships may still declare attacks. "WILD BILL" COLT .45 (capitol) GIVE TO ANY CAPITOL WARRIOR. SHOOT WEAPON. HANDGUN. A warrior may attack using two HANDGUNS. This warrior gains +6 to S and is now QUICK. While using this HANDGUN this warrior may use his S rating (and handguns) during FIGHT combats. WARZONES:---------------------------------------------------------------- AKIRENKO-ELECTRONICS COMBINE (mishima) +2/+4/+1/+3 RESOURCE. MERCURIAN WARZONE. AKIRENKO is effected by cards that effect INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES. During your draw phase you gain 2D. During each of your turns you gain an additional EQUIP WARRIOR ACTION, if this action is used to give a wounded warrior an equipment card then that warrior is healed. AMIDA AEROSPACE KEIRETSU (mishima) +2/+4/+2/+3 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. During your turn you may add AIRSHIP cards to play at no action or D cost. Any warrior that is in, or considered, an AIRSHIP that attacks this warzone is automatically wounded before any defender is declared for this card. ASAKA CAVERNS (mishima/capitol) +5/-5/+2/+3 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. If HOMETURF MARS is played on this card its affiliation text may be converted to benefit Mishima warriors. During each of your turns you gain an additional MUSTER WARRIOR action. BERNHEIM (bauhaus) -3/-4/+4/+2 RESOURCE. VENUSIAN WARZONE. While in play your non-personality warriors cost 2 less D to Muster (minimum of 1D), and your non-personality Doomtroopers are +2 to F,S, and A. CYBERPORT (cybertronic/bauhaus) +2//+4/+4 RESOURCE. VENUSIAN WARZONE. if HOME TURF VENUS is played on this card its affiliation text may be converted to benefit Cybertronic warriors. You may give your doomtroopers legal cybertonic equipment cards at no action cost during your turn. If you give an opposing Doomtrooper an equipment card you gain 5D each time. INDUSTRIAL ZONE ONE (capitol) +4/-3/+2/+2 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. This card is effected by cards that effect INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES. While in play your warriors and their VEHICLES may not be effected by OUT OF FUEL. During your draw phase gain 4D. KIRKWOOD BUNKER (capitol) -4/+6/+3/+4 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase gain 2D. Any warrior that is in, or considered, a VEHICLE is automatically wounded if they attacks this WARZONE or a warrior that declares defence from this card. LAWRENCE (imperial) -1/+4/+3/+3 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. If HOME TURF MARS is played on this card its affiliation text may be converted to benefit Imperial warriors. During your draw phase gain 2D. During each of your turns you may perform one additional non-attack action. MACGUIRE CRATER (imperial) +5/+5/+1/+4 RESOURCE. VENUSIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase gain 4D. Your non-personality warriors of origional V: 3 or less cost no actions to muster (still pay any D.) You may add non-personality BLOOD BERETS and CLANSMEN to play at no action or D cost. MATOCHEKLAND (bauhaus) +4/+6/+3/+4 RESOURCE. VENUSIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase gain 6D. During each of your turns you gain an additional non-attack action. This warzone provides no ratings modifiers to defenders against Followers of Demnogonis, Mishima, or Imperial warriors. MAYAMA EXPANSE (mishima) +2/-2/+1/+1 RESOURCE. MERCURIAN WARZONE. This card is effected by cards that effect INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES. You gain 2D during your draw phase. During your turn you gain an additional ADD WARZONE action. This action may only be used to add MERCURIAN RESOURCES to play. McKENZIE BASE (imperial) +4/+5/+2/+4 RESOURCE. VENUSIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase gain 3D. BLOOD BERETS defending from this warzone gain an additional +4 to F, S, and A. Any warrior defending from this warzone against the Dark Legion gain an additional +3 to F, S, and A. Your non-personality warriors cost 1 less D to Muster (minimum of 1D). MUNDBURG (bauhaus) +4/+7/+4/+6 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase gain 5D. If HOME TURF MARS is played on this card its affiliation text may be converted to benefit Bauhaus warriors. If this warzone itself is attacked then MUNDBURG itself gains a free and immediate SHOOT strike against the attacker, this is considered an S: 7 strike (any warrior killed in this manner is worth points). NOVAKURSK (bauhaus) +2/+3/+3/+6 RESOURCE. VENUSIAN WARZONE. This card is effected by cards that effect INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES. During your draw phase gain 4D. During each of your turns you gain two additional non-attack actions, these action may NEVER be converted into attack actions. Warriors that defend from this warzone against Dark Legion warriors gain an additional +4 to F, S, and A. PERTAGRAD (bauhaus) +2/+4/+2/+3 RESOURCE. VENUSIAN WARZONE. This card is effected by cards that effect INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES. During your draw phase you gain 4D. During each of your turns you gain two additional EQUIP WARRIOR actions, these actions may never be converted into other types of actions. POLARIA-AQUATIC GROUNDS (bauhaus) -4/+4/+7/+3 RESOURCE. VENUSIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase gain 5D. During combat involving this warzone warriors may not use non-SUBMARINE VEHICLES. Warriors that are not SEA LIONS, Bauhuas, or in SUBMARINES are -4 to F and S when attacking a defender of this warzone. REDSUN MEDIA COMBINE (mishima) +3/+2/+1/+2 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase gain 2D. While you control this card all your Doomtroopers are LOYAL. QUAN EXPANSE (mishima) +6/-2/+2/+4 RESOURCE. VENUSIAN WARZONE. During your turn you gain one additional ADD FORTIFICATION action. Mishima warriors defending from this WARZONE gain an additional +3 to F, S, and A. SHINWA CONGLOMERATE (mishima) +4/+4/+4/+6 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase you gain 3D. Your non-personality warriors cost 2D less to muster (minimum of 1D). Mishima warriors defending from this WARZONE gain an additional +2 to F, S, and A. Your Mishima warriors may Reinforce the defender of this WARZONE for 3D each. STRATHGORDON (imperial) +6/+8/+8/X3 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. May only be brought into play by a player with at least one Imperial warrior in play. During you draw phase gain 10D. If STRATHGORDON is attacked you may reinforce its defender with any number of Imperial warriors for 1D each. If you ever lose control of STRATHGORDON to any opponent who does not have Imperial warriors in play, then all your Imperial warriors in hand and in play are discarded (reveal your hand), and you lose 10P. TAMBU-KEIRETSU COMBINE (mishima) +4/+6/+2/+4 RESOURCE. MERCURIAN WARZONE. TAMBU is effected by cards that effect INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES. During your draw phase you gain 5D. You may give your warriors Weapons and Vehicles at no action cost. Gain 3D each time you give any opponents' Doomtrooper an Equipment card. THE PITCH ALLEYS (dark legion) -3/-7/+2/+4 KOHORT. The negitive modifiers of this warzone apply to all participants in this combat. THE SOUTHERN LANDS (capitol) -4/+1/+2/+4 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase you gain 7D. During combat on this WARZONE all participants recieve one wound immediatly before combat resolution, unless they are in, or considered, a VEHICLE (warriors killed in this manner are not worth points). THE THREE PROVINCES (mishima) -5/+5/-2/+4 RESOURCE. MERCURIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase gain 7D. Mishima warriors defending from this WARZONE gain an additional +4 to S and A. If you loose control of the THREE PROVINCES you D pool drops to zero. UNSTABLE CHEMICALS PLANT (general affiliation) +3/-2/+2/+4 If any warrior strikes during combat resolution, of a shoot combat, with an S: 10 or greater, this warzone is discarded immediatly after the strike, and all participants in combat are wounded. You earn points for killed opposing warriors. VALLEY FORGE (capitol) +5/+4/+2/+4 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. This card is effected by cards that effect INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES. During your draw phase gain 4D. During your turn you may perform three additional EQUIP WARRIOR actions, these action may NEVER be converted into any other type of action. Warriors that defend this WARZONE against Imperial warriors gain an additional +3 to F, S, A, and V. VEGA-GAMBLING COMPLEX (capitol) -4/-3/+5/+3 RESOURCE. MARTIAN WARZONE. During your draw phase you gain 5D. Any other player may, as one action, give YOU 5D and flip a coin; If the result of the coin is heads then YOU must give that player 9D. If you do not have at least 4D in your pool then other players may not perform this action. ALLIENCES:----------------------------------------------------------------- KI POWERS:----------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH BLOW While in play this warrior is now an AUTOKILLER. Any warrior killed by this one cannot have the kill prevented if you spend 3D directly before any killing wound is given. HOODED VIPER STYLE The attached warrior may attack using two FIGHT Weapons. Each FIGHT Weapon may be used against two different warriors in the same area of play for two seporate combats, or they may be combined for one combat against a single warrior LIGHT SLEEP If the attached warrior is attacked while in cover then this warrior may exit cover and is now the attacker for this combat, you may also change the battle tactic. This warrior is +3 to F and S when doing this. SUSPENDED ANIMATION The attached warrior may never attack or be attacked while in COVER. While doing so this warrior does not prevent SABOTAGING or ATTACKING DIRECTLY. While in COVER this warrior may not be effected by any other cards. THE BAT'S SONAR SINCE This warrior ALWAYS strikes during combat resolution, if any cards are used to prevent this warrior from striking during combat, then their effects are negated. This warrior's ratings may not be reduced during combat. This warrior's opponents during combat may not have cards played to cancel combat, unless you are using them. THE RHINO'S IMPREGNABLE SKIN The attached warrior may not be AUTOKILLED, he is mearly wounded instead. During your draw phase if this warrior is wounded, he is healed. During combat this warrior's base A rating is doubled. YIZO'S PRESENCE During combat involving this warrior as the attacker or defender, this warrior may strike any, or all opposing reinforcements with his strike in addition to his opponent for combat (points are earned for any extra warriors killed).